
The survey in Swaziland was conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (Department of Veterinary and Livestock Services), in collaboration with the University of Swaziland. We give sincere thanks to all those who were involved from the planning stage to the data collection and data capture and cleaning. Also, many thanks to the farmers in the Hhohho region for their kindness and time they took to answer the questions in the survey questionnaire.

We are grateful to the Department of Veterinary and Livestock Services for permission to use these data from Hhohho Region for this case study. However, readers should appreciate that we have ignored the sampling frame used to select dip-tank areas. Thus, the population estimates produced will be incorrect and hence must not be quoted. Users are welcome to use the data but, for the same reason, may not publish any findings.

The first author made his contribution to the work presented in this case study while he was a visiting Research Fellow at the School of Applied Statistics, University of Reading. He would like to sincerely thank the School and the University for hosting his visit and for all the support and assistance afforded to him during the visit. In particular, he would like to give sincere thanks to the Head of School, Dr. Derek Pike, for supervising the work.